
NYK Establishes NYK Group Supplier Code of Conduct

Promoting responsible procurement activities and co-creating value with our suppliers

NYK has established the NYK Group Supplier Code of Conduct, an expectation for NYK suppliers to engage in sincere and ethical business activities. This code of conduct is a revised version of NYK’s CSR Guidelines for Partners and Suppliers, which has been renamed accordingly.

Click the image to obtain the NYK Group Supplier Code of Conduct

The NYK Group Human Rights Policy is based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council, and we are promoting initiatives to respect human rights, including human rights due diligence.

To address diverse and complex sustainability challenges, it is essential to advance efforts throughout the entire supply chain. This code of conduct outlines the standards we aim to achieve in collaboration with our suppliers toward building a sustainable supply chain.

In conjunction with the establishment of this code of conduct, we have set up a contact point as a grievance mechanism* to receive consultations from stakeholders, including employees and communities of our business partners, regarding cases that may have an adverse impact on human rights and the environment within the NYK Group's supply chain, or are suspected of doing so.

The NYK Group promotes responsible procurement activities that consider society and the natural environment, and we will co-create the value needed for the future with our suppliers.

* Grievance Mechanism
The U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights present "access to remedy" as the third pillar alongside "the duty of states to protect human rights" and "the responsibility of businesses to respect human rights." The guidelines encourage companies to establish grievance mechanisms to address human rights violations, providing a complaint-handling system for various stakeholders.

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