Nov. 11, 2024
NYK Holds DX Festival 2024
Independent Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer lead panel discussion on the theme of digital transformation supporting management strategy
On November 1, NYK held DX Festival 2024, during which NYK Independent Director Satoko Shisai and NYK Senior Managing Executive Officer Nobuhiro Kashima participated in a panel discussion on the role of digital transformation (DX) in the company's management strategy and the significance of promoting DX.
Initiated by NYK and NYK Group companies, the DX Festival is an internal NYK Group event aimed at showcasing and sharing business cases involving IT, digital technologies, and AI. This was the second installment, following last year’s festival. In addition to the panel discussion, the festival included a keynote speech by W Makoto* and an exhibition where various NYK and Group company departments presented case studies, attracting a total of 492 participants.
During the panel discussion, which was moderated by Yasuyuki Takahashi, NYK executive officer and Group CIO, Shisai and Kashima discussed topics such as the significance of a digital governance code for executives, the role of DX in the medium-term management plan, and success factors and challenges in promoting DX. Furthermore, it was stressed among the participants that DX not only is one of the five transformations** needed to achieve the Group’s medium-term management plan but also serves as an important enabler to accomplish the other four transformations (i.e., AX, BX, CX, EX).
NYK will continue leveraging digital transformation's power to advance our Group’s medium-term management plan and pursue our group mission of "Bringing value to life."
Center, Satoko Shisai, Outside Director of NYK
Far right, Nobuhiro Kashima, Senior Managing Executive Officer
* A group of graduates of Yoshimoto New Star Creation (NSC). After engaging in comedy, members transition to broadcast writing, serving as planners for variety shows, radio personalities, and MCs for events and live performances. In addition to writing articles for newspapers and magazines and publishing the book "The Power of Laughter," they are leading experts in communication techniques that utilize "laughs," conducting over 150 lectures nationwide each year.
** In March 2023, NYK announced the medium-term management plan "Sail Green, Drive Transformations 2026 — A Passion for Planetary Wellbeing." To achieve this, the "ABCDE-X" strategy was established, supporting the core strategies of AX and BX (focusing on deepening core businesses and exploring new businesses) with CX (human resource development, organizational transformation, and group management transformation), DX (digital transformation), and EX (energy transformation).
The news on this website is as of the date announced and may change without notice.