Press Release

NYK Holds Annual Dry Bulk Safety Conference 2024

34 Shipowners and ship management companies participate to enhance safe ship operation

Dry Bulk Safety Conference at the head office

On September 9 and 10, NYK held its annual Dry Bulk Safety Conference at the company’s headquarters in Tokyo. This conference has been held every year since 2010 to share safety awareness and review trouble responses for dry bulk vessels. This year, 132 participants from 34 Japanese shipowners and ship-management companies attended, together with representatives from INTERCARGO* (the International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners) and the ship evaluation and rating company RightShip**.

The conference included a review of past accidents and troubles and their responses, as well as health management and disease countermeasures for seafarers in the NYK.

In addition, the 2024 NYK Dry Bulk Award was presented to nine vessels that had good performance to Port State Control*** inspections, accidents, and other problems.

INTERCARGO, gave a lecture, introducing its activities and role at the IMO supporting Bulk Carrier owners/operators as well as an overview of the Dry Bulk Center of Excellence (DBCE), a non-profit organization established in April 2024 with the aim of promoting safe operations of dry bulk carriers through DryBMS self-assessment system, together with RightShip.
RightShip gave a presentation on its new tool “PSC Risk IQ,” which empowers ship managers with a smart, structured approach to port call preparation to reduce the likelihood of detentions by anticipating PSC inspection risks, highlighting deficiency trends, benchmarking vessels against industry standards and equipping ship managers with a vessel preparation checklist.

The NYK Group will continue to share safety awareness with its partners and engage in activities aimed at continuous safe operations.

On March 10, 2023, the NYK Group announced its medium-term management plan, "Sail Green, Drive Transformations 2026 — A Passion for Planetary Wellbeing. " "Bringing value to life" is our corporate philosophy, and our new vision for 2030 is "Beyond being a comprehensive logistics company, we will co-create the value needed for the future by deepening our core businesses and growing new businesses." We will promote our growth strategy with ESG at the core.

Related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

*INTERCARGO was established in 1980 and became a recognized organization at the IMO in 1993. It is the only global organization representing and supporting the interests of dry cargo owners/operators and managers. It has over 250 members from over 30 countries operating over 3200 bulkers.

** Established in 2001, RightShip is the world’s leading ESG-focused digital maritime platform, providing expertise in global safety, sustainability, and social responsibility practices. Founded with the mission to drive operational improvements in the global shipping industry, more than 800 customers use RightShip’s due diligence, environmental, and inspection services to help them manage risk and improve overall maritime safety standards.

*** Port State Control
An on-site inspection of foreign vessels calling at a port.
Reference source (as of November XX, 2023): Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism website, "What is PSC?"
URL: (Japanese)

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