Dec. 26, 2023
NYK Group’s Top News Stories for 2023
Promoting the growth strategy with ESG at its core
In March 2023, NYK formulated a new four-year medium-term management plan, “Sail Green, Drive Transformations 2026 - A Passion for Planetary Wellbeing.
” This new plan is positioned as an action plan to achieve a new corporate vision for 2030, which reads as follows: “We go beyond the scope of a comprehensive global logistics enterprise to co-create value required for the future by advancing our core business and growing new ones.”
Under the leadership of NYK President Takaya Soga, who was newly appointed in April, we have worked to implement the four basic policies of our management strategy in the first year of this medium-term management plan: “Make ESG core to the plan,” “Execute an active investment strategy to expand the business in growth areas,” “Accelerate decarbonization efforts based on the plan to achieve net zero by 2050,” and “Further enrich human capital and corporate infrastructure.”
Specifically, we are developing decarbonization initiatives that lead the shipping industry: the further introduction of LNG-fueled vessels, the completion of crew transport vessels for offshore wind farms, measures to establish an ammonia supply chain, and progress in liquefied CO2 transport technologies.
Furthermore, we set a new GHG reduction target in the “NYK Group ESG Story 2023,” which was announced in November.
Regarding our DX initiatives, NYK was selected as a “2023 DX Grand Prix company" in recognition of implementing the “ABCDE-X*,” formulated as a business strategy to realize its medium-term management plan. We also promote DX with external partners through collaboration in R&D areas, such as developing technology for autonomous vessels and avoidance navigation and systematizing tugboat attendance management and allowance calculation.
In 2024, the NYK Group will continue to work as one to steadily implement its medium-term management plan and achieve sustainable increases in corporate value.
Here are the top NYK Group news stories for 2023.
Formulating the new medium-term management plan and appointing NYK’s new president
ESG management
Growth strategies and non-financial targets based on the NYK Group’s material issues
Preventing serious accidents and incidents
Responding to operational risks
Ammonia fuel
- December, NYK Conducts Long-Term Trial Use for Full-Scale Introduction of Biofuels
LNG Fuel
Liquefied CO2, tidal energy generation, etc.
Building sustainable supply chains
Human Resources
Co-creating to achieve our mission of “Bringing value to life”
Co-existing with local communities
Digitalization Initiatives
This medium-term business plan comprises two business strategies: key strategy (AX: Ambidextrous management; BX: Business transformation) with core business advancement and new business development as the two pillars and support strategy (CX: Talent, organization, group management transformation; DX: Digital transformation; EX: Energy transformation) to realize and develop the key strategy.
The news on this website is as of the date announced and may change without notice.