
NYK Receives Visit from UK Transport Secretary

On June 15, eight officials from the UK Department for Transport, including Transport Secretary Mark Harper, visited NYK and met with NYK Chairman Hitoshi Nagasawa and President Takaya Soga.

The fourth from the right side back,
The Rt Hon Mark Harper MP, Secretary of State for Transport
The third from the left side front,
Hitoshi Nagasawa, Chairman, NYK
The fourth from the left side front,
Takaya Soga, President, NYK

From the left,
Ms Harriet Loos, Counsellor UK Inward Investment, Japan and APAC, British Embassy Tokyo
Ms Marie-Claire Joyce, Trade Counsellor, British Embassy Tokyo
Akira Kono, Vice-President Executive Officer, NYK
Ms Jane Peters, Deputy Director, Global Impact Division, Department for Transport
Hitoshi Nagasawa, Chairman, NYK
The Rt Hon Mark Harper MP, Secretary of State for Transport
Takaya Soga, President, NYK
Mr Ed Leech, Special Advisor, Department for Transport
Nobuhiro Kashima, Senior Managing Executive Officer, NYK

This visit was made possible in response to a request from Secretary Harper. While participating in the G7 Transport Ministers’ Meeting in Ise-Shima, Mie,1 he expressed interest in NYK’s efforts to introduce zero-emission vessels.

During the visit, NYK explained its efforts toward the social implementation of an ammonia-fueled vessel with a domestically produced engine (i.e., ammonia-fueled tugboat and ammonia-fueled ammonia carrier)2 and exchanged opinions on the below topics.

  • Status and prospects of discussions at the International Maritime Organization3 on the adoption of a long-term greenhouse gas reduction target
  • Approach and current discussions regarding the establishment of mid-term greenhouse gas reduction target towards achieving zero-emission
  • Policy framework necessary to promote greenhouse gas reduction in international shipping
  • Potential of ammonia as a zero-emission fuel for ships
  • Co-creation with the UK to decarbonize shipping
  • Participation in the value chain of alternative fuels

The NYK Group will continue to co-create with various countries and diverse stakeholders, including the UK, and lead the world in decarbonizing shipping as a leading company in addressing climate change.

On March 10, 2023, the NYK Group released its medium-term management plan “Sail Green, Drive Transformations 2026 — A Passion for Planetary Wellbeing. ” The NYK Group is promoting growth strategies with ESG at the core, based on the Group’s basic philosophy of “Bringing value to life” and a new corporate vision for 2030, which reads, “we go beyond the scope of a comprehensive global logistics enterprise to co-create value required for the future by advancing our core business and growing new ones.”

Related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

1 G7 Transport Ministers' Meeting in Ise-Shima, Mie
A thematic ministerial meeting held in conjunction with the G7 Summit, where G7 transport ministers and EU transport commissioners gather to discuss important themes that will influence the future of transport and society as a whole, as well as the primary directions to be taken. The meeting was held in Shima City in the Ise-Shima region of Mie Prefecture from June 16 to 18, 2023.

2 Ammonia-Fueled Domestic Engine-Powered Vessels
Development of these vessels is part of a Green Innovation Fund project4 approved by Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and is being promoted together with partner companies in Japan.

3 International Maritime Organization
A specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes intergovernmental cooperation and formulates treaties on technical and legal issues related to maritime transport and shipbuilding.

4 Green Innovation Fund Project
The fund will provide continuous support for up to 10 years, from R&D and demonstration to social implementation for companies and others that address green issues as management issues, based on ambitious and concrete goals shared by the public and private sectors. Support is provided mainly in the 14 priority fields for which action plans have been formulated in the Green Growth Strategy.

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