Press Release

NYK Selected as 2023 DX Grand Prix Company

On May 31, NYK was selected as a 2023 DX Grand Prix company and a Digital Transformation Stock (DX Stock) by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and Japan’s Information-Technology Promotion Agency. This is the first time for NYK to receive the DX Grand Prix Company award and the fifth time for the company to be recognized, following its selection as a "Competitive IT Strategy Company" in 2016 and 2017, a "DX Stock" in 2021, and a "Noteworthy DX Company" in 2022.

Companies selected as a DX Stock are engaged in DX activities that will fundamentally change company business models and lead to new growth and enhanced competitiveness based on digital technology. The DX Grand Prix companies were selected from among the DX Stock companies and are considered to be those that will lead the digital era. The selection was made in recognition of the Group's DX initiatives, which will leverage the power of digital technology and data to realize the Group’s management strategy with ESG at its core, as outlined in the company’s medium-term management plan, "Sail Green, Drive Transformations 2026 — A Passion for Planetary Wellbeing ."

NYK has formulated "ABCDE-X" as a strategy to realize its medium-term business plan, a strategy that supports AX and BX (the core strategy of deepening core businesses and developing new businesses) with CX (human resources, organizational transformation, and group management transformation), DX, and EX (energy transformation). DX plays an important role as an enabler of the other four transformations. Furthermore, we believe that by deepening collaboration with like-minded partners and sharing our wisdom, we can create socially optimal solutions. We will continue to leverage the power of digital technology to pursue the Group's mission of "Bringing value to life.”

Center:Hitoshi Nagasawa (Chairman, Director)

Fourth from right in the first row:Hitoshi Nagasawa (Chairman, Director)

A sample of Group's DX initiatives evaluated during the DX Stock screening

  • Cloud First for DX infrastructure and application systems
  • Thorough ship-land cybersecurity and data quality management system fostering DX enablers and cultivating a corporate culture
  • Safe and efficient ship operations through use of the NYK Ship Data Platform
  • Global standardization of business processes and business data lake using SaaS shipping business management
  • Deployment of a group of data-driven systems through democratized DX
  • Development of Yusen Logistics' Supply Chain Management Group
  • Developing a decarbonized fleet using simulation models and digital design techniques
  • Successful demonstration voyage of an automated container ship by the DFFAS (Designing the Future of Fully Autonomous Ships) consortium in the MEGURI 2040 project sponsored by the Nippon Foundation

A sample of NYK’s DX Stock screening evaluation

Corporate Value Contribution In terms of deepening existing businesses and promoting DX, there were no serious maritime accidents in 2022 until early December due to the optimization of ship allocation plans for the world's largest fleet of over 100 car carriers using AI and safe and efficient vessel operations.
The company contributes to improving Japan's shipbuilding capabilities by designing decarbonized and automated vessels for carbon neutrality, as well as providing software development and services through collaboration. The committee commended the implementation of measures that clearly delineate these areas of competition and collaboration.
DX Realization Capability As a command tower, the Innovation Promotion Group was established in October 2021. At the same time, through regular transfers and secondments, many of the company's employees have traditionally fostered the ability to transform and deepen the business through experience in a variety of roles, including IT/DX. The actual technology is handled by specialists.
Comprehensive Evaluation The company's high level of awareness of the issues, vision, strategy, and system to realize them, not only for its own company but also for Japanese shipping and shipbuilding, are all at a high level. The company's efforts to lead the industry are evaluated highly.

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