
NYK Group Managed Vessels Receive Japanese Pilots' Best Quality Ship Award

LNG Dream and Towa Maru, two vessels managed by the NYK Group, have received the Best Quality Ship 2022 award sponsored by the Japan Federation of Pilots' Associations.* This is the second time for LNG Dream to receive the award, following its first recognition in 2015.

LNG Dream

Type of ship: LNG (liquefied natural gas) carrier
Length overall: 289.5 m
Breadth: 49.0 m
Gross tonnage: 118,876 tons
Carrying capacity: 145,000 m3 class
Ship management: NYK LNG Shipmanagement Ltd.

Type of ship: Very large crude oil carrier (VLCC)

Type of ship: Very large crude oil carrier (VLCC)
Length overall: 339.5 m
Breadth: 60.0 m
Gross tonnage: 160,709 tons
Deadweight tonnage: 311,028 tons
Ship management: NYK Shipmanagement Pte. Ltd.

The award was established in 2003 to raise awareness of safe vessel operation and the protection of ports and the marine environment.** Each year, up to 10 vessels are selected for the award from among the vessels boarded by pilots in September and October in pilotage districts throughout Japan.

The selection process involves a comprehensive evaluation of facilities that enable safe and reliable embarkation and disembarkation of pilots, adequate training in BRM,*** and a unified onboard command and order system. NYK Group vessels have been recognized 30 times with this award since its establishment.

On March 10, 2023, the NYK Group released its medium-term management plan “Sail Green, Drive Transformations 2026 — A Passion for Planetary Wellbeing. ” The NYK Group is promoting growth strategies with ESG at the core, based on the Group’s basic philosophy of “Bringing value to life” and a new corporate vision for 2030, which reads, “we go beyond the scope of a comprehensive global logistics enterprise to co-create value required for the future by advancing our core business and growing new ones.”

* Japan Federation of Pilots’ Associations (JFPA): Under the revised Pilotage Law, the JFPA was founded on April 1, 2007, as an incorporated national federation composed of district-wide pilot associations.

** For more information on the Best Quality Ship award, please visit the Japan Federation of Pilots' Associations website below.

*** Bridge Resource Management: Management method employing the concept of Cockpit Resource Management developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). This method aims to utilize human resources on the bridge from where a ship is controlled, and to improve human interface.

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