
NYK Executives Participate at COP26

Disseminate Information on Climate Change Initiatives by NYK and the International Shipping Industry

At the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), which was held in Glasgow, UK, from November 1 to 12, NYK sponsored events and participated in others organized by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), among others, at which information was disseminated about decarbonization initiatives by the international shipping industry and the NYK Group.

To provide information on climate change initiatives, governments and industry groups hosted COP26 pavilions and side events, as well as various panel discussions that often had participants engaging in lively discussions. An NYK executive took stage as a panelist on November 6 and spoke about international shipping’s decarbonization initiatives, which are being addressed mainly through coordination with the IMO (International Maritime Organization). Furthermore, at events from November 8 to 10, an NYK executive introduced specific GHG-emission-reduction initiatives that the NYK Group is promoting toward its long-term target of net-zero emissions by 2050 for the NYK Group’s oceangoing businesses.

Events Featuring NYK Executives

Svein Steimler, NYK Managing Executive Officer, and President and CEO of NYK Group Ltd. Europe

- November 6: Shaping the Future of Shipping
・Organizer: International Chamber of Shipping

Svein Steimler, second from right

NYK booth

Masahiro Takahashi, General Manager, Environment Group

- November 8: Towards Zero: Japanese Non-State Actors Tackling Climate Crisis
・Organizer: Japan Climate Initiative

Masahiro Takahashi, right

- November 9: Together in the Decade of Delivery: How Collaboration Can Take Us from Commitment to Implementation
・Organizer: Alliances for Climate Action

Masahiro Takahashi, middle

- November 10: What does it take to scale-up the supply infrastructure for zero carbon fuels?
・Organizer: Mission Innovation

Masahiro Takahashi, middle

The NYK Group will continue to lead discussions on decarbonization and climate change response in the shipping industry.

On February 3, NYK released the NYK Group ESG Story,* which aims to further integrate ESG into the company’s management strategy and promotes activities that contribute to the achievement of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) through business activities. To strongly promote ESG management, NYK will further accelerate decarbonization initiatives within the shipping business in cooperation with various stakeholders across industries, in addition to new value creation as a sustainable solution provider.

<NYK Group ESG Story>
A guideline detailing concrete efforts to integrate ESG into management strategies of the NYK Group.

<Links to Event Organizers>


The news on this website is as of the date announced and may change without notice.