IR Policy・Quiet period・Disclaimer

Basic Policy

The NYK Group mission statement declares, "We aim to enhance our corporate value by being financially responsible and by conducting business activities in an open, honest, and transparent fashion." Based on this philosophy, we endeavor to establish shareholders' and investors' understanding and credibility of our business activities through prompt, accurate, and fair disclosure and IR activities.

Information Disclosure Standards

NYK discloses information based on applicable laws and regulations such as the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Timely Disclosure Rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). We actively disclose information that could influence the investment decisions of shareholders and investors, even where it does not fall under the Timely Disclosure Rules.

Information Disclosure Method

For information that falls under the Timely Disclosure Rules or influences the investment decisions of shareholders and investors, NYK complies with the Timely Disclosure Rules by disclosing information through the TSE's Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) and our IR website. We also post on our IR website information that does not fall under the Timely Disclosure Rules.

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Notes for Future Prospects

Our announcements of earnings forecasts, plans, strategies, etc. that are not historical facts are made based on the information and certain assumptions available at the time of announcement. Consequently, the actual performance could vary significantly from the prospects. Some factors that could influence actual performance are significant changes in the shipping markets and fluctuation of currency exchange rates, interest rates, and bunker oil prices. Please refer to "Risk" for details.

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Quiet Period

To prevent the leakage of earnings information, NYK regards the period from two weeks prior to the end of the previous month of the announcement of the financial results in each quarter to the day of the announcement as a "Quiet Period." During this period, we refrain from answering questions or commenting on the earnings, for which we sincerely request your understanding.


Caution for Investor Relations Site

Material on this website is designed only to provide information on the activities of NYK and is in no way intended as an invitation to invest in securities. Minute care is exercised with respect to the content of the information on this website. However, we would like to clarify that NYK cannot hold itself responsible for any losses incurred due to acts based on the said information.

In some cases, data appearing on this website includes forecasts of prospective developments. However, such information purely represents NYK's own projections, which it may find necessary to modify in the light of prevailing circumstances. Please note, however, that even if it modifies its projections, NYK does not consider itself obligated to revise the relevant data.